Session #1: Immersing Yourself in Fun

Friday, February 21, 2014
10:25am - 11:20am


Putting fun in context “the moment” it happens. Shopping for gum “the moment” it happens. How can we, as researchers, BE there?

This presentation will discuss two recent qualitative research immersion projects, where a solid relationship with respondents was built over time (as long as 4 weeks) and incentives were used as research tools.

Immersive research is a two-fold operation. A relationship is first built online with the consumer or shopper; they show you what their life is like, who they are, immerse you in their universe. In this case, technologies such as video and photo sharing enabled us to tap into the consumers/shopper’ lives and get to “BE” in the moment with them: Nothing is staged, nothing is based on memory, everything is real.

The result is a video-report that brings the story to life; just like a personal journal, providing you with their most honest reactions and thus providing the best results.

Let’s remind ourselves that the true essence of qualitative research is to “experience one’s consumer and/or shopper first hand” – this presentation will reveal how to build a strong connection with respondents by truly immersing yourself in their life as it naturally unfolds: “The best research I have ever had to truly connect with my consumers” - Robert Cornwall, Senior Trident Brand Manager.

