Keynote: Connecting, Competing & Winning in a Challenging Business Environment!
Friday, February 21, 2014
1:20pm - 2:30pm
During this engaging 70 minute presentation, Merrill Dubrow, CEO of M/A/R/C Research, will illustrate ways to think differently, be creative, and connect with the current state of the qualitative research industry.
The session will specifically provide strategies that will connect you to:
- The industry
- Clients and prospects
- New technology, and more importantly, the RIGHT technology!
- Research associations
- Your staff
- New and smarter ways of doing things
All are geared towards one thing – MOVING YOUR BUSINESS FORWARD!
Attendees of this lively session (which promises to include lots of excitement, surprises and giveaways), will leave feeling energized, a different perspective about QR and developing innovative strategies to connect in creative, new ways.